Monday, September 16, 2013


 I   N   D   I   A 

  • India ....Young Growing year-on-year....
We've been hearing for long...India is Future of the World as it has got Youth power.............
The Question does arise   :  What Young India is  about?  What is Young India?
--& India, containing 17.5% of the World's Total population has got a density diversified in various age segments.
Age of 18 begins the Youth segment(Age at which a Youth is able to show his appearance in Country formation through Electoral Vote) and is considered to remain a Youth till 35
Basically 18~35 is considered Young India
If we look at the stats : 65% of India's population is below 35 .
lets' have a keen look at the Young India
Post 1991 kids have grown up now...estimates suggest, the number of first-time voters — between the age of 18 and 23 — will be around a 110 million....This is the segment of  Youth which spends Most time on Internet, has only used mobiles, Is more aware and is moving forward with its own thought.
This Youth isn’t the one carried away with Communalism or Sectorism. This segment believes in Equality, It believe in Growth, they are watching Corruption and are fed-up facing it. This segment isn’t getting carrid away with Ram-mandir or Bawri masjid thoughts.
They have got their own ideologies, they believe Unison is Supreme Power. Divide & Rule politics doesn't imply on them.  They are more effective in communication, They are not simply watching, they are tending to Change the things within this Country
This 18yrs old India is conscious of how this Country is moving...They are Standing together as each-other's support....holding hands Strongly!
**Despite the Strong reluctance of Government, They stood together as the Support of the Girl victimised in 16-Dec Delhi gang Rape
(They were not against Government, they stood for safety of their Sisters' / their wives' / their Friends)
**They stood as Support of Anna during his Protest against Corruption
(What Government failed to understand is they were not against Congress...They were standing against Corruption)
But the Government failed to understand what an 18year old Understood
Here comes the Point that Drag me to Write this Blog Today
The Big Question   :   Is Government not yet 18years Old?
If an 18year old can understand his 'Right of Corruption free India'
If he understand India should be a Safe place to live in
Can't Government understand what an 18year Old understand?

Government got busy in passing Food Bill, Land Bills and various other Bills this monsoon session, what was happening over last 1 decade(10 BIG years of Congress rule)? Why all Bills are getting passed right 1 year before Election? Is this some kind of Bills' Monsoon
As we saw in Few of Rahul Gandhi's speeches' : He thinks about India as India above Poverty, his Prime focus is to get BPL people get educated, get them Food and all the means, What went wrong for last 10years Mr. Gandhi? Why we not saw any concern form your end over these matters anytime before...What exactly happened in 2013 that erupted a concern in your Heart for Poor Indians right before the elections..!!
Were you sleeping all the while since 2004~2012??
No wonder this was Gush of Political moves ..but the point I am about to discuss Today is for the 2 Persons, beyond them lies the Future of this Country, who are becoming the Hope of the Young India : the growing and Developing India,,,,
They, as Nominated by the Biggest parties in align are to become the future PM of India:

What Future will bring is never known...but we do have a calculated record of both the Biggest Nominees in the Race of PM. Let's have a look...
Despite the differences...They are similar in One way or Other
The Similarities begin as neither Rahul nor Modi have any expierience of Governance at national level. Modi as a Chief Minister is a Successful one, but ruling country is a far cry even for Modi.
Declared as PM candidate from Congress for 2014 elections. He was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth in a rich, upper caste family, politically strong as Dynast
He is considered to be a Youth icon(as congress declared). When we look at iconicity of Mr. Gandhi, we find least prospects lying within Youth for Rahul. He has made an image of Child of privilege for whom Politics is considered as Family business.
The Biggest Drawback for Rahul being a Youth leader defaults as Communication with the youth.

No Facebook - No Twitter   : How are you connected with the Youth of India, Mr. Gandhi? I seriously am' not aware.
 * Rahul's one speech for Vidarbha Widows and then?? No action, No Post update from Rahuls' cabin
 * Rahul's visit to Bhatta parsol, further??? No action, No Post update from Rahuls' cabin
* During 16-December Rape case - When Youth outraged on Roads, not even a single word from the Youth leader.
* Travelling in Mumbai local and carrying a Plastic Bin on Shoulders? 
 These all acts for Photoshoot are being peculiarly monitored by youth, Mr. Gandhi. They are watching how you are tyring Tactics of 80s' on them but Ironically they are smart enough to judge your acts that are no way in benefit of people.
Please break the Enigma of Youth liking you Rahul...It was your Father(Shri Rajiv Gandhi Ji) who last enjoyed this Popularity with Youth as collated and favouring leader.
He had a Vision, he brought in Ideas that actually worked for India.
However it's not only your lack of Experience in Politics & Administration which is affecting your Performance, You don't seem to have any ideological viewpoint on any subject - The Economy, the Social system, Diplomatic relations.
Gandhi has never expressed his opinion on any government policy other than speaking in philosophical terms.
The Youth wants to know now...
What's your BIG Idea Mr. Gandhi? 
Is there something Young India can look up for, in your Administration.
Moreover your rejection of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's offers to join the cabinet last year suggests that you have little interest in governance.
Let's see what Future brings in for Rahul Gandhi
Now comes the one termed as Most Eligible bachelor of India
Narendra Modi is believed to be the Obsession of Young India, let em' calculate what he has got within his Bags.
Born in a middle class, backward caste family of edible oil traders, his career has followed an upwardly mobile trajectory which can be an object lesson for Opportunities available in the country.
Modi has always tried to Sell his Bijli-pani-Sadak factor & additionally Industrialization
Ofcourse' the Development in Gujarat is higher than any other State but there lies the Truth, the Gujaratis were all Time Rich-Indians and it was easy to develop a State which carries money within.
Unlike Rahul : Modi (62 years) has always been in Touch with the Youth of India through twitter, Facebook, Blogs.
He has been favoured as a leader whom people want to listen.
It was him the 1st Time, Someone other than PM has addressed Indian Public on Independence Day. This was negatively taken for some, but the Point is : He Speaks.
Atleast he speaks of the Problems People are facing in India, his words matches the pain of Public.
In a country where leaders pretend to be Dumb on social matters,  He Speaks
Leaders in India  never speak on Social issues openly remaining in their Safe-Zone, but Mr. Modi Speaks.
 Unlike Mr. Gandhi, he has avoided making Diplomatic statements and talks about Crystal clear problems.
He uses social media very effectively, tweeting extensively and has more than 2.2 million followers on Twitter.

Critics accuse Mr Modi of not doing enough to stem communal violence in 2002 : Perhaps Muslim community have grief in their Heart after the act.
Mr. Modi should have responded them in words, in Social   :   This is a Big Question why Modi never responded to the Questions raised. 
  This is a Biigg Slit in Modi's Political Image
Post 2002, Gujarat never saw any Riot, either communal or Ethical
However State faced an natural Disaster in 2001   :   EARTHQUAKE 
But the Recovery of the State was so effective, Gujarat got appreciation all over the World for Recovery after such a Huge Disaster.
Modi is believed to have channelised the natural resources available in Gujarat : He has Built the Biggest Solar Plant in India : Chandrason Solar plant in Gujarat alone generates
1.6 million units electricity every year.
Industrialization in Gujarat is growing at 2~2.5% higher than all India, because of Investment platforms created by the Government such as Vibrant Gujarat.
Electricity Power is supplied 24*7 in Gujarat  : Benchmark in India I believe
Agricluture : Completion of Sardar Sarovar Narmada project by FY15 would raise Gross irrigated area of gujarat by 30 to 46 %
These are Few of the Benchmarks recorded in the Name of Gujarat under Modi's administration
Modi post developing Gujarat is trying to sell his Idea at the Centre, he is trying to lure Indian Voters by his fundamentals implied in Gujarat. He is continually upgrading Indian Political behaviour. Rather than sitting with poor in their homes, he is talking of Industrialization which will give job to them. he is talking of National Security, he is talking of Growing India.
Perhaps India is buying your Idea Mr. Modi, but these Susceptible statements will be monitored by India if you come at Centre. They are expecting you to bring a mass change in Economy, to Indian safety, to India's development.
Failing to the same may last your career at Centre ever-forever.

This might have put an end to the Blog but I just wanted to add something from my Diary...My own own Idea of Political India.. I would appreciate Reader's Views upon Same.
Looking upon Rahul Gandhi,,,,I see no more than a lad who would get flabbergasted with the Crown of PM of India'. He is a person who was not able to withstand College Teens, he got confused with their Questions and is pleading SORRY upon his own words..
 (Watch the video of Incidence)
Biggest Question lies in my Heart for  Rahul Gandhi : A person not able to withstand College Students of India aged merely 18~19 years. Will he be able to Represent India in International Forums?
 _   _   _
For Narendra Modi : yes we appreciate your Work in Gujarat. I went to Gujarat few days back & tried to discuss about Modi's Gujarat with the people there. I interacted with some 35~40 people discussing about Gujarat. Initially it started somewhat like this
*Gujarat is not as developed as shown on News channels. Villages are facing problems. Their are Rape incidences recorded in Villages, Electricity rates have increased a bit after privatisation, Ministers are Corrupt in Gujarat also- its not a Corruption free state
But after going in detailed discussion
The Discussion took a Turn and  initial complaints changed somewhat to such statements
*Haan corruption hain, par yaha Development b hain, you see 6 lanes roads in major areas of Gujarat, their is a Medical facility that runs 24*7 in gujarat, you have to call 108 and within 10minutes they ll be at your Door
We are getting Electricity 24 hours a Day
Their is a safe Air that flows, Girls go out on their Activa at 02:30am for a Drive without any second thought in their mind
Farmers are getting Rich here as Govt is focussing on their Development
Agriculture more and provide them sources at subsidised Rates
Industrialization is most effective as a well known fact
(The above are Reviews of local, Non-political residents)
Once we see the above aspects
It seems,  Mr. Gandhi needs to work on his Political Career. A minimum of 10years of Political Experience is required for him to show and build an image as a PM with Clear Vision and Intricusion of Development
Modi seems to get favour post comparison between Two.
 But once you get the Favour, There are Expectations from you!
you fulfill Stand
You Fall !!
It isn't going to be a Cake Walk for any of them.
let India Decide
(The above thoughts are Individual specific)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


कभी कभी मैं यु सोचा करता हु

जो न मिलते तुम मुझे, जो न चलते संग मेरे 

तो जाने मेरा क्या होता


जो ना थामते हाथ मेरा, जो ना बोलते प्यार मुझे 

जो ना खेलते प्यार से, जो ना देखते इकरार से 

चलते ना जो हाथो में हाथ, ना देते हर पल मेरा साथ 

ना याद किया करते मुझे, तन्हाई में रुसवाई में 


ना दिल को धड़कना आता 

ना दिल को धड़कना आता...


Monday, October 31, 2011

                   (we the brothers)

INDIA - It can Not be Divided Into Anonymous (religion)

Total population - 1028610328 (2nd largest people strength in world)

Hindu    - 80.5%

Muslim - 14.6%

ISLAM - 2nd most preached religion in India, a major contributor to Indian economy & Indian History. Yes upon my words "History" also.....Mughals ruled India for Decades' and made major contribution to India's growth.
The 1st wonder of the world "The Taj-Mahal" built by mughal emperor, is an eloquent work of Mughal dynasity, fruitful to India even today :)
Perhaps..... you got me write,"I am over to write about Muslim in India, on my page today"
The reason : Reason for writing is my soulful wish :) but ya it was Impregnated unintentionally by 'my Girl' she had slight black-space in her minds about the muslim mass, which i didn't simply aquiesce. All she said was "they are less educated and get Dingy the places they live in", the very common words we hear but are not certainly Tolerable to me.
so, to get a little mind-map, & break the  stereo-type which have been created on Religious-caste basis, and also to my dear friend "Shadab" who once posted an image on social site "I am Muslim, don't hate me" --
My Brother, I don't know what made you think this way but neither of us do
fyip : The contribution of Muslim is documented in India from the Khan Abdul Ghaffar(struggle against the British) to Dr. APJ Kalam(former President of India)
It must be known, among Twelve(12) presidents of Independent India, Three(03) were Muslims (Does any1 has Doubt on Musliums in India despite this)

Though Muslims are under-represented in the Indian Armed Forces compared to Hindus and Sikhs, several Indian military Muslim personnel have earned gallantry awards and high ranks for exceptional service to the nation.

  • Air Chief Marshal Idris Hasan Latif was Deputy Chief of the Air Staff during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 and later served as Chief of the Air Staff of the Indian Air Force from 1973 to 1976.
  • Indian Army's Abdul Hamid was posthumously awarded India's highest military decoration, the Param Vir Chakra, for knocking-out seven Pakistani tanks with a recoilless gun during the Battle of Asal Uttar in 1965.
  • Two other Muslims – Brigadier Mohammed Usman and Mohammed Ismail – were awarded Mahavir Chakra for their actions during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
  • High ranking Muslims in the Indian Armed Forces include Lieutenant General Jameel Mahmood (former GOC-in-C Eastern Command of the Indian Army) and Major General Mohammed Amin Naik.

C. M. Habibullah is a stem cell scientist and is director of Deccan College of Medical Sciences and Allied Hospitals and Center for Liver Research and Diagnostics, Hyderabad

Now comes those known to all,
Sania Marzi -  is the highest ranked Indian woman Tennis player - Feel proud of her being an Indian right??
A.R. Rahman - every1 enjoys his music, is a Muslim again, why not feel difference with him then??
Why enjoy "Zaheer Khan" snatching wicket for Indian cricket team, why no difference for him??
Mohd. Azharuddin captained the Indian cricket team on many occassions

when being Hindu some-one differentiate Muslim, does he ever think "Castism in Muslim has never been as rigid as in Hindu"

& how come one state on populaton growth in Muslims??
-- Ziona channa(A non-muslim) in Mizoram has 39Wives, 94 children and 33 grand children

We all know a majority of India's Muslims expierience low literacy and high poverty rates but does not mean some1 looks them with their narrow minded eyes

They are achieving and growing in Prosperous India as much as a Hindu or a SIkh do even more than you,
if it is our Former president or 1 of the richest Indian enterprenuer Azim premji

Muslims have created a record of sorts. Muslim candidates have scored in the Bihar Public Service Commission (PSC) examinations, 2010. Of 362 successful candidates, 37 are Muslims. That’s about 10.22%, statistically significant.

Muslims don’t need to be Nobel winners to change things. They just need to be educated and gainfully employed. Small steps forward make a big difference

They will pull generations out of poverty. When one generation of Muslims breaks the barriers of disadvantages, life becomes easy for many others that follow. But it is important to remember what makes this possible — access to education

Educated Muslims not just do well for themselves; they also open a whole new door for many others. They serve not just this country good but also their parents and children.

They bring dignity to a community whose ways are doubted and capabilities are questioned and  we know, they will come out of this phase very soon but they need a view equivalent as to one among us

My message to young Muslims brothers, try. Imagine a man about to drown. He doesn’t give up. If you fail, try once more. Every failure must be followed by a renewed shot at success. If we become worthy sons of the soil, we only help ourselves.

& to my near and dear Hindu ones, don't generalise a matter of fact, they are as much sons of this soil as you.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Dedicated to Ducku mah Dear  :-) :-)      

छूटे har shaks ko, Tute har ashq ko samet lene ka jee chahta hain,,,

Maana hain kami hum mei bohot…

Har aks k paar, Teri muskarahat se dil sukoon ye paata hi,,,,,

Teri khushiya Dilkhush hai duniya se alag,,,,jaane kaisi hain tujhme ye maasomiyat,,,,

Hoke khafa jaane kaisa rehta hain tu,,,,,tujh bin har pal maut sa samajh aata hain….

Teri masoom si hasi, teri dilkash vo adaa,,,,,,tujhse rooh-e-raah jud sa jaata hain.,.,.,,,

Milta hain mujhse khwabo mein jab tu,,,,har khwab mein rang sa bhar jaata hain,,,,,

Teri hasi se hasi,,,,,,,,teri khushi se khushi,,,,,

Jaane kyu Dil tujh sang sukoon paata hain,,,,,,,,,,,

Tujhse mila to jaise mila zindgi se.,…,is zindgi mein bas tu nazar aata hain.,.,.,.,,
Kitna pyaar hain tujhse kaise kahe,,,,,,shabdo ki mehfil mein tera aashiq… ulajh sa jaata hain,,,,

Tujh sang hain saanso ki Door bandhi.,.,,,tujh bin naa dil ye dhadak paata hain,,,,,

Kaise marte hain tujhpe kaise kahe,,,,,,,,tujh kaatil ko dekh Dil ye dhadak jaata hain,,,,,,,

Sunday, April 3, 2011

      INDIANS   -- THE KING !!

INDIA - Pride in itself, a name world is recognising today, Economic growth to Industrial, Engineering to Science or Sports - World has started recognising India today :) :)

2nd Apr'11 - India has won the 'Cricket World cup' mite be next goes FIFA ;) :D

We are veryy well making our place globally !!

But behind this Lime light, do we Bother what our Country is upto, where our System is taking us, If India has the 3rd largest growing Economy in World, it has TOP ranked growing Corruption,,,,,,,,

India now is witnessing not mere Corruption but national Plunder

Any Idea of the black money in Safe heavens??????

(*Safe Heaven - Banks like Swiss, Various British/US Islands, Dubai & other)

India's Corruption perception Index - 3.3
(*Scale of 0 to 10 : 10 - highly clean, 0 - highly corrupt)

India has become the Republic of Scams

*2G Spectrum Allocation fraud - 1.76 lakh Crores(40 billion Dollars)

No tolerance for Corruption of Deception ???? Indian Government refused Joint Parliamentry Committee because based on proportion of MPs, their will be majority representatives from other parties, who will be able to expose those who actually recieved money and deposited in Swiss & other safe Heavens? Who are they protecting ?
---> Sources say Son*a has taken a big share of loot deposted under her sisters names

*Commonwealth games fraud : 60,000 crores (13 billion dollars)

CWG Comparisions :
2002 (UK)         :  Rs. 2100 Cr.
2006 (Australia) : Rs. 5,000 Cr.
2010 (India)       : Rs. 60,000 Cr.
2014 (UK)        : Rs. 2200 Cr. (estimate)

Original estimate of India CWG was 617.5 Cr , 90% of Infrastructure development costs were looted. 900+ crores billed for the Stadiums worth Rs. 300 Cr.

Congratulations to Indian Government

* Hasan Ali Hawala Scam : 100,000 Cr.

 Hasan Ali Khan- A Stud farmer from Pune, who started as small time con man, bank fraud to Hawala Transactions. he has known Swiss account of $8 billion and more. Most of the money believed to belong to Politicians and Industrialists and Khan was conduit. That is not all. Their is enormous amount of money ploughed back into India stock market as participatory notes. Even though Swiss was willing to give more Information if requested, Govt. submitted forged documents as requests.
Hasan Ali Khan is richer than Azim Premji !!!

* The list of Scams does not End, 73 Lakh Crores looted starting from Jeep Scandal(1948) to Commonwealth games & 2G Spectrum(2010)

The vast wealth gained by the Corruption, few Individuals can buy up the System....In 2008, smaller party M* seats were bought with 10 Billion dollars per seat. Once in Power they compromise every Democratic institution to hide their game.
40% of Indian MP's have criminal records

People are fooled in the name of 'Berojgar maasik bhatta' while Mayawati is busy unveiling her own statues.

Rah*l  Ga.. - was arrested by FBI in 2001 in US for momey laundering who claims to be future PM of India and dear was partying while Mumbai was in flames in 26/11

Wonder what the Country is losing in all these Scams ???

**Just one 2G Scam - 40 billion dollars loot mean the following loss to the country

  • It is 3% of COuntry's GDP
  • It is 20% of money needed to create National Grid(connecting all rivers in India). This will result in 9Cr. acres of land assured irrigation
  • This one scam has exceeded the colonial loot of 200 years

What could India do with 73 Lakh Crores ?
  • Build 2.4 Cr. primary health centres with Rs. 30 lakh each
  • Build 24.1 Kendriya Vidhyalya at a cost of 3.02 Cr. each
  • Set-up 2703 coal-based power plants of 600MW each & each costs 2700 Cr.
  • Construct 14.6 lakh km. of two-lane highways- Every corner of India will be connected
  • Can give 56000 to each Indian or better 1.82 lakh to 40 Cr. Indians living below Poverty line
  • Clean-up 50 major rivers for next 121 years

The Scam money is 27% more than our GDP !! Have any India where will India be if it flows in Indian Economy?????

It is all due to the Corrupted politicians and Silence of the people -  1 lakh 99 Thousand 1 Hundered and 32 farmers have committed Suicide in India yet.

Even a shoe maker decides the price of the shoe he makes but a Farmer cannot & wonder the price of Land is never calculated while deciding the price of his growings...

If the price is decided based on the overall investment of the Farmer(including land) - no farmer will ever Suicide ! ofços it will increase the price but same the Infrastructure, it will not hamper the Poor if Government manages it well

*In 2004, in just one week, 62 Cotton farmers have committed suicide at one place in Maharashtra

Any Idea of Indian Soil???
  • 90,000 Villages in India grows potatoes - The entire village can come above poverty line if simply they are facilitated  to make Potato chips !! rather than LAYS & UNCLE CHIPS
  • 60,000 Villages grows Tomatoes - Simplyyy or veryy simply if i say, if Govt. equips them of making Tomato chutney.
  • Govt. can get them for Mango Pickel by the side of selling Mangoes in Market
 Much more than this, but Nooo...
Foreign Companies are selling these products in our Country, why can't our Farmer ???? But Our Govt. is never bothered - dey r busy in filling their own pockets, and are counting upon the no. of Deaths...

The life is getting Hell for Poor in India with 17% inflation. A mother has to choose between sending her child to School or to Work.

*100 million Indians live in Slums

haven't seen the Oscar winning Movie 'Slum DOG millionare'

what the Hell does they mean SLUM DOG????? they openly abuse & we clap on their getting Oscar for Abusing us......We know to care for our ownselves, our family, our children,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but not for our nation........what more do we want other than being Called 'DOG' !!

((No matter ! Today it is Someone else, tommorow it it will be We & then we will take the stand))

*Transfer of loot to Tax heavens and to countries harboring Terror groups, such as Transfer of Swan telecom 2G loot to elisalat, a Dubai based group with IS* Involvement. Also the Brookers who do the Hawala transfer for looters do for the Terrorist....

We make them Loot our money and then lose our Dear ones, in 26/11 Mumbai or other Blasts.....

** The Rich and the Poor contrast is so telling in Mumbai where Mukesh Ambani build 1 million Dollar home(most expensive home in the World) Versus Mumbai Dharavi where nearly half of Mumbai population live without sanitation, drinking water(18000 people per acre)

**Ambani gave a jet plane to his wife as Birthday gift which is used by Son*a as private jet for Italy trips

 * In 1947 : 1 Rupees was equal to 1 Dollar, hope you know the Current rate...
**Also once it has been said, population is Increasing & soo is Poverty, letz juss have a look !!
  4.5 Crores were Poor(below Poverty Line) in 1947, 84 Crores (20 times almost) today
3.5 times is the population Growth till then, same must be the Poor arnd 12~13 Cr. !! Does how it came to 84 CRORESSS ??? (19~20 times)

*President's house in India has 350 rooms where a SIngle person lives - President,
((900Nos. is the House-keeping staff, 24 Cooks, 18 people to wash clothes : 350 Crores is the Annual Expenditure on President house))
Ofços our President is honourable to us, He/SHe is the first person of India & we Respect him/her.but in a Nation where 84 Cr. population is Homeless, is it Worth ???


Why don't we do something against it ???? why do we silently watch & watch & watch ???

Let us.......It is time, it is d limit & is getting over our nerves,,,,,

Let us.......

*RTI (Right of Information) act has given some power to citizens over Bureaucracy
*India against corruption with well known activities, has come up with such bills and organizing rally to 
* Baba Ramdev is continually trying to bring the safe heavens money back, support him
* Reduce corruption for Govt. services by use of Technology such as E-governance
*DO VOTE & encourage others to VOTE - Every Vote counts, Educate the poor that Freebies given
  during Elections is stolen money from their Pocket only.
* Several activists/NGO's are springing up in India to tackle the issue. Janaagrah recording of Bribes
   prompted Karnataka Govt. to take action.
* Indians should transcend religion, region, caste, ideology and identify as Indians first. Foreigners and Dregs
   of the society rule us because it is very easy to divide us
* India against corruption, Janaagrah, 5th pillar and many such organizations, spiritual leaders, activists are
   fighting valiant battle - Join them

**It happened in Hong-Kong in 1974 - when mass awakening established ICAC(independent Commission
    against Corruption)
**It happened in PERU in 2009, when people & Supreme court overthrew President Fujimori
**It happened in Tunisia in 2010, when mass awakening overthrew President Ben Ali
**It is happening now in Egypt against President Mubarak
